I give God the Father my praise and worship for His kindness and faithfulness towards me since the time of my husband’s untimely death in an auto accident. With great joy, gladness of heart, and sincere gratitude to God, I am announcing my new assignment as the “FOUNDER/CEO OF GOD’S OWN WIDOWS WORLDWIDE, INC.
“External religious worship that is pure and unblemished in the sight of God the Father is this: to visit and help and care for the orphans and widows in their affliction and need and to keep oneself unspotted and uncontaminated from the world.” (James1:27) Amp Bible Ed.
The purpose of this letter to you all is to:
1. To inform you about my calling to the care of widows worldwide
2. To ask for your support in caring for the widows worldwide.
3. To ask you to also inform your individual friends and your family friends for their support.
4. For all to join hands with me to care for the widows worldwide.
5. To join me in spreading this news to companies, churches (big and small), organizations, businessmen and women, and celebrities for donations in cash and kind for the care of widows worldwide.
6. Some pictures of whatever is done will be taken and posted on the (GOWWs) website to serve as my report of my activities while caring for widows worldwide with the donations received in cash and kind.
7. There will be a storage facility for the donated items for these widows.
8. They will also learn some professions that will help them stay on their own.
(According to January 6th, 2008 widow statistics, nearly 700,000 women lose their husbands each year worldwide). Other widow statistics reveal that over 115 million widows around the world live in poverty.
I, Rev. (Mrs) Margaret B. Olawaiye lost my own husband on Wed, Feb 10th, 2010 in a ghastly auto accident in Nigeria. Unfortunately, there was no insurance to cover both the auto and life with the cost of burial. The unfortunate thing is that there are thousands of widows like that worldwide. The condition is worse when such widows are jobless with children.
But God, who helped all the widows in the bible to survive those hard times is still alive today. He says to his widows worldwide to weep no more. He changeth not, He is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
The Bible says that: “It is more blessed to give than to received” (Acts 20.35)
“Give and it shall be given to you” (Luke 6:38)
“……. he who sows generously will also reap generously and with blessing” (II Cor 9:6) Ampl Ed.
May God Bless all the readers
Rev. (Mrs) Magaret B. Olawaiye